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Logo map vanilla Map 0 Map 666 Map 34 2010 Tribe map @0
Map categories Vanilla maps2010 Event maps Removed maps Other maps
For a list of 2010 vanilla maps, see Map/Vanilla/2010.

These are maps created or approved by the administrators. These are the only maps to appear in the vanilla game mode and are indicated by a grass terrain icon.

# Image Shaman Description
Map 0
Tango Tick1 The shaman needs to build a ramp to the platform. New shamans that aren't familiar with the controls yet can also just put a bunch of balloons under everyone and let them ride up.

Features: Platform
Traps: None

Map 1
Tango Tick1 The wood ground you spawn on can be stabilized with a simple ghosted anvil (or anything else heavy) where the ground is, or a red anchored plank. Can be completed without the shaman by rushing to the cheese and back to the hole.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 2
Tango Tick1 Weight needs to be applied to the smaller platform to bring it down, or ghost planks underneath the bar to push it up. It's a pulley system. Another interesting method is to have the shaman place an expanding long plank (N elevator) on the platform, which pushes the long bar up for an unknown reason. Most shamans tend to make large ghost boxes on the small platform until they bring it down. A simple method to push the long bar out of the way is to place an invisible box beneath the long bar. Can be completed without the shaman by wall-jumping up the long bar. Enough mice on the bar can allow other mice to complete the level without wall-jumping.

Features: Weight-sensitive platform, Long vertical plank
Traps: None

Map 3
Tango Tick1 The shaman needs to build a bridge expanding from the starting location to the cheese. Shaman can also first lift the plank with invisible boxes, and only then build a bridge that would be horizontal and not diagonal now.

Features: Weight-sensitive platform (which basically does nothing) Note that it has been seen on games where people attach ballons and make it lift in the air - it makes a good airship because it is not allowed to move sideways.
Traps: None

Map 4
Tango Tick1 A shaman-built ramp from the right side of the map can be built extending to the top of the diagonal on the left. Mice can then get back to the hole from the left hand side. Another method is to build a ladder etc. in the middle climbing on top of the diagonal. Sometimes shamans will make a C plank on the left hand side and make a ramp from on the plank, creating a way to the diagonal. This way, mice can fall off the top of the diagonal and into the hole.

Features: Angled platform
Traps: None

Map 5
Tango Tick1 The shaman may bridge the gaps on the bottom, though they are jump-able, before constructing a ramp/ladder to the top. You can shortcut back to the hole from the cheese by falling off the left of the upper platform and then falling back to the right.

Features: Two bottomless pits
Traps: None

Map 6
Tango Tick1 This level proves that a lot of weight on a wobbly bridge is bad. The bridge can snap if enough weight is put on it, such as 10+ mice or an anvil. Do note, that if your pack has reached the cheese safely, it does not yet mean, that you can return, because the mouse with cheese is heavier than the one without. Can be completed without the shaman by taking turns with other mice to cross the bridge. With enough mice in the room, a coordinated completion of this map is very unlikely.

Features: Two platforms and a loose bridge
Traps: The bridge

Map 8
Tango Cross1 It is possible to jump over the bombs in this level by jumping towards the left and looping over the bomb, or going underneath and dodging them. It is rather possible (yet not much fair) to use other mice as a meat shield - just don't be the first mouse in the pack.

Features: Large ramp
Traps: Falling bombs combined with a bottomless pit

Map 9
Tango Tick1 The shaman can build a ladder, ramp or an N elevator to aid the other mice to get the cheese on the platform.

Features: Single platform
Traps: None
Attributes: Collision

Map 10
Tango Cross1 Identical to map 6 besides the lack of a shaman.

Features: Two platforms and a loose bridge
Traps: The bridge

Map 11
Tango Tick1 A kind shaman might decide to block off the gap at the bottom of the valley so that no mice fall out. A platform can also be built to aid jumping up for the cheese itself. Can be completed without the shaman by using upwards momentum collected from running up the ramp to jump left and collect the cheese. The hole can then be reached with relative ease.

Features: Two large ramps
Traps: Bottomless pit in the middle of the ramps

Map 12
Tango Tick1 First, bridge the gap between the peg and the cheese, and then fill the remaining hole. From here, either a ramp system, or a complex elevator solution can be employed. The elevator won't make it by itself, so you have to attach a ramp to one side of the elevator. Trampolines are another popular strategy, though if they're not anchored with the "c" key, they often fall off the side. Can be completed without the shaman by corner-jumping off the peg to collect the cheese, corner-jumping again off the platform onto the peg, then wall-jumping up to the hole.

Features: Tiny pole and a platform
Traps: None

Map 13
Tango Tick1 In theory, mice take their turns using the weight-activated platform to cross, however, due to lag/bugs, mice are known to fall off or through the platform. A more safe method is for the shaman to build a bridge from the left side to the right side. Can be completed without the shaman by crossing twice with the platform. Take turns to ensure you won't fall.

Features: Moving platform
Traps: Arguably, the moving platform due to unreliable physics and the giant bottomless pit.

Map 14
Tango Cross1 Just avoid the bombs and get to the cheese and back. Making a mad dash on this level is dangerous but sometimes rewarding.

Features: None
Traps: Falling bombs

Map 15
Tango Tick1 Be patient on this one, everyone blindly rushing usually kills the entire group.

A quick rush may be successful on this map, since the plank is partially stabilized. The shaman should place an anvil on the left side of the plank so that it won't fall to the right. Can be completed without the shaman by coordinating with other mice to weigh down the platform and let everyone cross. Bear in mind that mice with cheese weigh more, so perhaps be a kind soul and weigh down the platform for a while once you've collected your own cheese.
Features: Slim plank
Traps: None

Map 16
Tango Tick1 If a ladder or ramp etc. is built, the shaman should take care not to block the mousehole, so that it will be possible to return the cheese. Otherwise, the shaman can try to destroy the ladders using a down cannonball after all the mice have obtained their cheese.

Features: Two platforms
Traps: The level design itself, since its incredibly easy to block the hole

Map 17
Tango Tick1 The shaman should build a ramp (or catapult). An elevator will not get you all the way up without wall jumping.

Features: Platform
Traps: None

Map 18
Tango Tick1 Either patiently wait for the shaman to build a way across, or wall jump up. The shaman can rotate a Large Box, so that it is rotated like a diamond, then place it in the gaps for the mice to climb across.

Features: 5 Platforms
Traps: The jumps themselves are engineered to be just too high for a normal jump.

Map 19
Tango Tick1 Run for the cheese then wait for a shaman to build a ramp back. The shaman may or may not decide to block the 2 pits. Can be completed without the shaman by running to the cheese, wall-jumping up the back of the ramp, then sliding down the ramp and jumping with the momentum to the hole.

Features: A ramp
Traps: Two bottomless pits

Map 20
Tango Tick1 Be patient on this one, everyone blindly rushing usually kills the entire group. An early rush is very likely to kill everyone involved. The shaman should build another bridge across, or try to stabilize the plank by placing green jointed planks underneath. Can be completed without the shaman by coordinating to send a few mice across, then allowing them to counterbalance more mice as they come across. VERY unlikely to happen in large rooms.

Features: Slim plank
Traps: The plank itself (and how!)

Map 21
Tango Tick1 A large unstable platform that can have objects attached, and two cloud pillars. The shaman should either weigh down the platform or anchor it into place with a B joint, then bridge over to the hole, using the other pillar to rest the build on if necessary.
Map 22
Tango Cross1 Jump directly between the poles rather than air-jumping if you want to get a first. Otherwise, just take your time to cross.

Features: 6 bottomless pits
Traps: None

Map 23
Tango Cross1 Try to be patient, and take turns, otherwise everyone will end up dead. Heading left and waiting out the initial rush is a good strategy, as collecting First is largely up to luck anyway.

Features: 4 bottomless pits
Traps: None
Attributes: Collision

Map 24
Tango Tick1 Either wall jump to try to get 1st place, or wait until the shaman builds objects to weigh the small platform down. The shaman can also build an N elevator on the platform, which for some reason can open the gate. Can be completed without the shaman by wall-jumping up the gate and falling down onto the cheese.

Features: Weight-sensitive platform, Long plank
Traps: None

Map 25
Tango Tick1 There is a giant pit in the middle of the map that the shaman needs to build across. All that is needed to solve this map is a bridge.

Features: A large pit in the middle of the map
Traps: The large pit

Map 26
Tango Tick1 Harder than it looks, a lot of the floor under the cheese is fake. Each time this map loads, the section of the floor that is real or not real is randomized, where only the floor under one of the four cheese is real. Either wait for the shaman to build over the fake holes, or fall down, grab the cheese, and perform a midair jump onto the mouse hole platform. Another method is to wait for some of mice to jump down, then see which cheese have floors and which don't. Can be completed without the shaman by falling down and clipping one of the centre cheeses while running towards the hole, then jumping at the last moment and wall-jumping to the hole. You can also wait for other mice to fall and see where the real floor is.

Features: Long plank
Traps: Invisible floors

Map 27
Tango Tick1 The pillars are all physics objects, so the shaman should nail them in place with a B joint if possible. Alternatively, the shaman can allow (or encourage, with a cannonball) the pillars to fall and then, assuming two pillars fell on top of each other to act as a high-enough floor, build up to the cheese and/or the hole. Can be completed without the shaman by being fast and air-jumping between the pillars. Try to avoid the need to wall-jump as this will knock the pillars over more quickly.

Features: Three pillars
Traps: Three falling pillars

Map 28
Tango Cross1 Get the cheese and get back avoiding the bombs. Shamans can help by building a series of see through large crates, this makes a bomb proof corridor for the mice to run through.

Features: Ramp for a floor
Traps: Falling bombs

Map 30
Tango Tick1 Remember, keeping the platform balanced is important. Can be completed without the shaman by rushing, since mice spawn on both sides which will keep the platform relatively stable at first. If the platform falls, the level becomes impossible without the shaman's help.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map @31
Tango Tick1 The snow-topped pillars falls over, creating a ramp (typically towards the right.) The shaman can tip the pillars early with a cannonball if they want, and should then focus on patching holes and preventing the ramp from falling away. Alternatively, the shaman can build directly from one stone pillar to the other, potentially dooming the mice still crossing below. Can be completed without the shaman by either crossing early or allowing the pillars to fall and climbing the newly-formed ramp to the cheese, and then riding the ramp down-left and wall-jumping up to the hole.
Map 32
Tango Tick1 Wait for the shaman to build a bridge then push your cart across. If possible, try to escape from the cart.

Features: Cage on wheels
Traps: Mice are trapped

Map 33
Tango Cross1 Wall jump over the anvils, or wait for the bombs to knock them over. Avoid the exploding bombs.

Features: Tall stack of anvils
Traps: The bombs, the anvils themselves when a bomb explodes near them
Attributes: Exploding bombs

Map 34
Tango Tick1 The shaman can simply direct a ghosted cannonball straight down, which will destroy the building and often drop the mice straight into the hole. The remaining mice are usually left safe on the debris, and the shaman can then build up to the cheese in their own time. Can be completed without the shaman by allowing or helping the building to collapse, and falling onto the cheese and then the hole. If you miss the cheese and the building fully collapses, finishing becomes impossible without the shaman's help.
Map 35
Tango Tick1 Balance is important, make sure the platform doesn't tip. Can be completed without the shaman by paying attention in similar maps to which direction most of the other mice go, and then picking the opposite direction for this map. You can try to wait and balance out the platform, but the platform usually won't last long enough to make that work. As a general rule of thumb, most mice go right, unless there's an event collectible to the left.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 36
Tango Tick1 A popular technique for this map is using invisible (press space) anvils to knock the balls out to get the cheese in the bottom center. Invisible arrows (usually down) and spirits can also be used. Can be completed without the shaman by slowly digging out the balls and throwing them off the edge, burrowing into the ball pit until you reach the cheese. Usually requires consumables, and generally not recommended.

Features: A giant playpen filled with balls, a bottomless pit
Traps: None

Map 37
Tango Tick1 Rock the platform back and forth to get cheese, or wait for shaman to stabilize and build a path or spirit you to the cheese. Can be completed without the shaman by coordinating with other mice to rock the platform back and forth. Once one side gets the cheese, the weigh down that side, so the other side is more likely to make it to the hole safely.

Features: Long plank
Traps: Other mice

Map 38
Tango Tick1 This level features low gravity and as a result, the cheese can be easily retrieved by any group of at least 3 mice. It is also possible to get the cheese with only 2 mice, but both mice must have perfect timing to jump off each other at the peak of their jumps. It is also possible to just wait for the shaman to build a ramp or simply use a trampoline. Can be completed without the shaman by jumping on the heads of other mice to reach the cheese. If a mouse has cheese and is still jumping, they are inviting you to jump on their head. Consider extending the same help to other mice.

Features: None
Traps: None
Attributes: Low Gravity, Collision

Map 39
Tango Tick1 This level has wind threatening to blow you off the map. The most reliable way of solving this map is to ghost a short plank and world anchor it on top of the floor, and then attach a trampoline to it.

Features: None
Traps: None
Attributes: Wind (left)

Map 40
Tango Tick1 Go quickly one mouse at a time, or let the shaman build a bridge over. Apparently, the platforms are supported by invisible islands, and pros have been known to jump across after the platforms have fallen over. Don't attempt unless you know exactly where the supports are. Can be completed without the shaman by jumping across the platforms before they fall, and then jumping across the offscreen islands on the way back. Very difficult and usually not worth attempting.

Features: 4 unstable platforms
Traps: The unstable platforms tip over.

Map @41
Tango Tick1 The bridge moves up and down in a rhythm, and is notably held together with actual shaman joints, meaning that they can be removed if the shaman has the right skill. Can be completed without the shaman by jumping across the bridge and back. Beware as the bridge pieces are inconsistent in length and position.
Map @42
Tango Cross1 Take the sled down the slope and air-jump at the right time to reach both the cheese and the hole. This can be ruined if too many mice don't push the sled or go down the slope in front of it. On the bright side, this map is usually over quickly.
Map 43
Tango Tick1 The fact that the mice do not overlap is what kills most people on this map. The shaman must immediately bridge the gap to the cheese, but it must be done in a way that doesn't block the cheese. This can either be done with a short plank for only one side, or a ghost long plank and two short planks below it. Can be completed without the shaman by hanging back on your side and trying not to get pushed off until the initial rush is over. Beware trolls who try to deliberately push mice down the pits.

Features: Two pits
Traps: None
Attributes: Collision

Map 44
Tango Tick1 After the shamans battle each other with Spirit from across the map for the right to get the mice to their hole, the shaman who won builds a bridge to save the patiently waiting mice. Daring people can try to wall jump across, but it is tricky and requires a mid air jump to reach the wall. Can be completed without the shaman by corner-jumping and/or air-jumping to one side and wall-jumping up to that hole. Beware the shaman battle raging on overhead, as cannonballs and debris from builds can obstruct your way back up.

Features: a platform
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 45
Tango Tick1 In this, the mice simply wait for one of the shaman to finish a bridge. Adept wall jumpers may be able to finish the level without a shaman. Can be completed without the shaman by corner-jumping and/or air-jumping to one side and wall-jumping up to that hole. Same as map 44 but more difficult as the distance between the platforms is greater.

Features: Two pits
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 46
Tango Tick1 Let the shaman build a bridge. Note that shaman spawn in front of their opponent's hole.

Features: Two platforms
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 47
Tango Tick1 This is a shaman fight; all the shaman has to do is build a ramp to their hole.

Features: A platform
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 48
Tango Tick1 This is the same as 47, except that now there is only a small platform for the cheese. Shamans should still build a ramp, it's just more difficult in this case.

Features: Two platforms
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 49
Tango Tick1 Shaman fight. Mice just have to get cheese and go into a hole. Although if both shamans choose to have a hardcore battle, avoid the cannonballs that will fly across the map. Can be completed without the shaman by falling onto the cheese and then running to whichever hole is most open. Be careful not to be caught in the crossfire of the inevitable battle.

Features: 2 levels of seemingly infinitely long platforms
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 50
Tango Tick1 Mice must drop down to cheese and climb a ramp back up to a hole that a shaman must build. As the focus is on building to your hole, most shaman don't battle on this map, preferring instead to build faster and better than the other shaman.

Features: Two platforms
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 51
Tango Tick1 In this, the shamans fight each other and the mice simply wait until one of them (hopefully) builds a bridge. It is important to note that it is possible to build a bridge for the mice from the lower ledge, without actually having to go all the way to the bottom. This is crucial for pink, who would otherwise have to use a bridge to blue to get to the middle.

Features: Three seemingly infinite platforms
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 52
Tango Tick1 Shaman must use a ramp or spirit mice up to their hole.

Features: Several bottomless pits, shaman spawn on the left and mice spawn on the right
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map 53
Tango Tick1 The shamans must make a ramp up to the cheese. It is also possible to perform a midair jump and wall jump up the edges of the middle platform to get to the holes, but this is highly unreliable, and even the most experienced mice have been known to fall. Can be completed without the shaman by hugging the edge of the top platform and running mid-fall to the bottom platform, then air-jumping to the wall and wall-jumping to the hole. Skilled players can reset their jump on the wall of the top platform, to lower their vertical speed and make the jump more easily.

Features: One long plank
Traps: None
Attributes: Battle

Map @54
Tango Tick1
Map @55
Tango Cross1
Map 56
Tango Tick1 It is important to pay attention when the map changes because of maps like this. You spawn over a pit, and have to mid air jump to (preferably the right) lower platform. The shaman should try to plug up the gap as quickly as possible to let everyone go across and avoid mice falling to their death. Another way is to simply gather the cheese, and stand on someone to gain height to make the jump across. Can be completed without the shaman by allowing other mice to go first, then crossing when most of them are dead. If the shaman is dead, remember you have a limited time to cross, so perhaps take a risk to get to the hole quicker.

Features: Two ramps on either side and two platforms
Traps: Arguably, your spawn point
Attributes: Collision

Map 57
Tango Cross1 Bounce on the trampolines to get the cheese, and go back. Be careful not to land on the corner of a trampoline, as this will propel you off the map in some cases.

Features: Vertical wall, 3 trampolines
Traps: Trolls who push the trampolines off the map

Map 58
Tango Cross1 Bounce on the trampolines in order to reach the cheese, and then bounce back to the hole.

Features: 3 trampolines above 3 platforms above a bottomless pit
Traps: The trampolines rotate and are liable to send you flying into a wall.

Map @59
Tango Tick1 Can be completed without the shaman by rushing across the spinning platforms and back. Simple yet somewhat difficult.
Map @60
Tango Tick1 Can be completed without the shaman by sliding down the cliff, air-jumping to collect the cheese, then wall-jumping up and over the spinning platform. If you can accomplish this, consider rotating the spinning platform for the plebians you share a room with. They will be eternally grateful.

Features: None
Traps: Floating cheese, slow red anchored ground.

Map 61
Tango Cross1 A fake cheese is shown in the corner; At 1:48,a cage will appear over the cheese and trap the mice inside it.

Features: Fake cheese
Traps: A cage appearing around the cheese

Map @62
Tango Tick1 Can be completed without the shaman by wall jumping up and over the tower twice. The tower has a small lip near the top, so wall jumping up it with the cheese is very difficult.

Features: A destructible tower made from dynamic stone blocks
Traps: None

Map 63
Tango Tick1 Jam the spinning plank with invisible items, use a trampoline, or rush blindly across. The most reliable way to stop the spinning plank is a solid (yellow) joint on the end of a long plank attached to the middle of the spinning plank. Can be completed without the shaman by running and praying.

Features: A large fan of death
Traps: It is only possible to slide under the fan by glitching through.
Attributes: Wind, will blow you off the map if you stop moving.

Map 64
Tango Tick1 Jam the spinning plank with invisible items, use a trampoline, or rush blindly across. The most reliable way to stop the spinning plank is a solid (yellow) joint on the end of a long plank attached to the middle of the spinning plank.

Features: A large fan of death
Traps: The common misconception that you can slide under the fan. Sliding apparently does not help you in running through, but at around 50% of time you may safely run under the fan (chance depends on wind direction). After brief period of time the fan seems to stop, but it's just a glitch in visuals. If shaman did nothing, then the fan still works.
Attributes: None

Map 65
Tango Tick1 Jam the spinning plank with invisible items, use a trampoline, or rush blindly across. The most reliable way to stop the spinning plank is a solid (yellow) joint on the end of a long plank attached to the middle of the spinning plank. Another method is to go around the fan by placing trampolines on both sides. It isn't possible to moonwalk or slide under the fan.

Features: A large fan of death
Traps: The fan is able to blow players out of the map if you make contact with it.
Attributes: Wind, will blow you into the fan if you stop moving.

Map 66
Tango Tick1 The shaman will need to build a bridge over the spinning plank to let the players get to the cheese. This will eliminate the threat of falling and the threat of the spinning plank.

Features: A large fan of death
Traps: The fan is able to blow players out of the map if you make contact with it.
Can be completed early by jumping into the fan and using it to catapult yourself to/from the cheese.

Map 67
Tango Tick1 Bridging the gaps between the pillars is a quick and easy way to make it so players can get across. Experienced players should be able to take this on easily without a shaman, so long as they can wall jump, or if they can air jump. Can be completed without the shaman by air-jumping and/or wall-jumping. If the shaman is active, be careful not to get stuck under any of the planks they spawn.

Features: Four thin planks
Traps: None

Map 68
Tango Tick1 The shaman can attach a trampoline to a stable object in order to jump to the hole, or create an aircraft up to the hole.

Features: Two ramps making up the floor
Traps: None
Attributes: Collision

Map 69
Tango Tick1 Simple map with an opening that can be used to shoot mice out like a cannon. The simple solution is to fill the opening with exploding balls to launch mice. Adept players can reach the cheese from the right via wall jump. Can be completed without the shaman by wall-jumping up the right-hand wall and collecting the cheese.

Features: Two ramps forming a cannon
Traps: None
Attributes: Exploding Balls

Map 70
Tango Cross1 Enclosed map with bouncy ground and walls. Easiest way is to avoid those bumps in the ground, just keep bouncing in the clear areas and get whatever cheese. Some mice also like to continue bouncing to reach hectic speeds.

Features: A large room filled with cheese
Traps: Trampoline ground
Attributes: No shaman, Impossible to die

Map 71
Tango Tick1 Exact replica of the map 67, only the pillars in the middle are made of ice. Because the pillars are made of ice, wall jumping is not possible, but with an air jump it is possible to complete the level without the shaman. Can be completed without the shaman by air-jumping across. If the shaman is active, be careful not to get stuck under any of the planks they spawn.

Features: Four thin ice pillars
Traps: Ice grounds

Map 72
Tango Tick1 The shaman has two options here, to create a trampoline or use planks to cross this map. If you choose to use planks, the shaman will want to create a global anchored long plank in between the first gap, and connect this with a diagonal, object anchored long plank towards the first blue pillar. Then create the inverse of this method on the other side.

Features: Two large ice blocks with a thin pillar separating them
Traps: Ice grounds

Map 73
Tango Tick1 This is an ice version of map 40. The first and third blocks sinks by itself so reckless running leads to death. Daring players can also jump the invisible platforms to get to the cheese. The shaman will want to create a bridge connecting both sides in order to get the cheese. Can be completed without the shaman by running across the ice platforms to reach the cheese, and then over the hidden islands to reach the hole. Very difficult and usually not worth attempting if the shaman is active.

Features: 2 blocks that fall over under weight, and 2 blocks (1st & 3rd) that falls over no matter what.
Traps: Ice grounds

Map 74
Tango Tick1 Players can wall jump this in slow-motion. Shamans can bridge the gap between the wall and the floor. This is a great map to practice Wall jumping. Can be completed without the shaman by wall-jumping up both sides of the chocolate wall. Very easy, but new players may be trapped if they continue to run into the wall as they jump up it with cheese.

Features: A thin pillar in the middle
Traps: None
Attributes: Chocolate ground

Map 75
Tango Tick1 The "dominoes" will fall over and lemmings will try to jump on them to reach the top, which is nearly impossible. One common solution is the traditional bridge. Shamans can also spawn boxes, as there is a large platform underneath the level. Can be completed without the shaman by rushing and making sure not to tip the dominoes, air-jumping to the cheese, then riding the (probably fallen) dominoes back to the hole.

Features: Many small ice blocks increasing in size
Traps: Dynamic Wood

Map 76
Tango Tick1 The ice block here is actually exactly the same dimensions as the one in 77, meaning if you cannonball the top of it, it'll fall over. Can be completed without the shaman by taking it slow, and allowing other mice to push the block for you if possible. Otherwise, try to push little and survive a lot.

Features: An icy block
Traps: Ice ground

Map 77
Tango Cross1 A map where one mouse has to jump to the ground and push all the other mice to the cheese. Another mouse will have to push the block back to the hole. A popular solution is the fall off the edge, switch direction to push the block, and air jump back on top of the block. All of this has to be done very quickly or else you will fall. You can also influence the direction of the block by having every mouse run to the direction you want to go, but method is seldom used.

Features: An icy block
Traps: Ice ground, any mice that rush off the platform cannot get cheese.

Map 78
Tango Cross1 This map is the same as map 126. The long ice plank will soon slide off as mice quickly try to get their cheese. The only thing one can do is conform as there is no shaman to help.

Features: An long icy plank balanced on a pivot
Traps: Ice ground

Map 79
Tango Tick1 A map where you will be sent flying high into the air, and usually off the map, if you come in contact with the red part of the floor. The shaman should build a bridge going high over to prevent it from touching at all. Again, you may consider air jumping to prevent being killed by the platform if you cross it without a bridge.

Features: A large repulsive block in the floor
Traps: Lava ground

Map 80
Tango Tick1 The most ideal way to solve this map is to spawn anvils right next to the blocks. Adept players can jump immediately after bouncing to avoid getting thrown off the map, however, death most commonly appears when the mice go too high.

Features: Four small repulsive blocks.
Traps: Lava ground

Map 81
Tango Tick1 This is the map where the gravity reverses itself. The shaman has to build sturdy platforms above the mice or else they will be killed. However, a way to survive is to cling to the side of the stage by running into it to avoid soaring upwards. Gravity will once again apply normally at 1:30 or after the shaman has died.

Features: None
Traps: Gravity reverses itself after 10 seconds. Remains reversed for the next 20 seconds.

Map 82
Tango Tick1 Mice are paired up and connected together with a string. Your partner's name will appear in green. The shaman will have to build something to get across the gap, typically a bridge. It is also possible but very difficult for partners to work together and wall jump to get the cheese.

Features: Partner map
Traps: Your partner

Map 83
Tango Tick1 Mice are paired up and connected together with a string. Your partner's name will appear in green. The shaman can build bridges over the gaps. Partners who are working together can run next to each other and time jumps to get over the gaps. Partners will need to run with each other and jump at the same time.

Features: Partner map
Traps: Your partner

Map 84
Tango Tick1 Mice are paired up and connected together with a string. Your partner's name will appear in green. Similar to map 79, except the lava is raised. The shaman will have to build a bridge over the lava. Be careful, platforms that touch the lava will fly away and destabilize any bridge being built. Partners that jump on to the lava will typically kill themselves and their partners unless they use air jumping to stop themselves. Some partners may be able to work together by getting into the air and moving above the lava by using the string to jump.

Features: Lava ground, partner map
Traps: Your partner

Map 85
Tango Tick1
Map 86
Tango Tick1 Exact replica of map 67, only the pillars in the middle are trampoline grounds. Wall jumping is not possible. Mice may wait for the shaman to build a bridge, but it is possible to complete the level without the shaman.

Features: Four thin trampoline pillars
Traps: Narrow planks that cannot be wall jumped

Map 87
Tango Cross1 Mice are paired up and connected together with a string. Your partner's name will appear in green. One mouse must run across the top of the platform while the other hangs beneath it to get the cheese. Then the partners must switch positions. Partners are known to troll on this level. Be careful if you have a cheese as the hole is directly above the cheese and your partner will fall.

Features: Partner map
Traps: Your partner

Map 88
Tango Cross1 Mice are paired up and connected together with a string. Your partner's name will appear in green. One mouse must stay on top of the platform and hold his or her partner who is hanging off the edge getting cheese. Then the partners must switch positions. It is possible for mice without a partner to get the cheese by air jumping.

Features: Partner map
Traps: Your partner

Map @89
Tango Tick1
Map 90
Tango Tick1 The cheese is located high above the player's heads. The shaman must build an airship so that the mice may reach the cheese. A systems of ramps/elevators is also possible, but could be very complicated.

Traps: None

Map 91
Tango Tick1 The shaman will have to build a bridge to the cheese or an aircraft (not recommended, as it will most likely become unstable and kill mice). It could also be possible to build a flat bridge and put a trampoline at the end.

Traps: Bottomless Pit

Map @92
Tango Tick1
Map 93
Tango Tick1 The shaman must build a platform to get over a cliff and a bridge to reach the cheese and the hole. The mice can get to the cheese and hole early by running off the cliff and using a midair jump to get from the cheese to the hole. Portals can also be used to get past the cliff.

Features: Cliff which you can't wall jump. Portals
Traps: The top of the cliff is slippery and it is easy to fall off.

Map 94
Tango Tick1 This map requires the shaman to place a portal in the left cage, and another in the right cage with the cheese. Then the shaman must place the first portal that was in the left cage, into the middle cage with the hole so mice can finish the level.

Features: Portals are enabled
Traps: Shaman's death (you're stuck in a box with nothing to do about it if this occurs)

Map 95
Tango Tick1 Mice must navigate the aircraft so it floats up to the cheese. Then either the shaman can put weight on the ship to make it fall into a hole, or the ship can fly too far up so the balloons break and the ship falls over the hole. The safest technique is to summon one ghost anvil before you reach the cheese. This way the blimp will rise slowly, making it easier to summon other objects once you reach the cheese. This level is frequently affected by lag, which tends to glitch the aircraft.

Traps: If the shaman doesn't do anything, the box will continue to rise and may not come down.

Map 96
Tango Tick1
Map 97
Tango Tick1 Very experienced players may be able to wall-jump their way up to the cheese. The shaman can build a bridge across the gap or have everybody jump over it. It may be possible to create a small elevator to get the mice up. It is recommended, though, that either balloons or ramps are used.

Features: Night time mode, a tube
Traps: Pits

Map 98
Tango Tick1 The cheese is located under a ground, mice can easily reach it by air jumping. The problem is getting back to the hole: it is the shaman's job to guide the mice back up. Both sides are accessible, but the left is recommended.

Features: None
Traps: Pits

Map @99
Tango Tick1
Map 100
Tango Tick1 Features two logs balanced on planks which will tip over. The mice must avoid all running toward the cheese or else the logs will slide off. The shaman can either place anvils in the center of the planks or stabilize it with a b anchor plank. If the planks slide off, the shaman can create either a bridge, or spirit the mice across the gap.

Features: 2 balance logs
Traps: Pits

Map 101
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp up to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 102
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp up to the cheese using conjuration. Some shamans like to challenge mice by making a wall jump.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: None
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 103
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp up to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 104
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp down to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 105
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp under the wall, then back up to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 106
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp round the platform to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 107
Tango Tick1 Simply build a bridge/ramp down to the cheese using conjuration.

Features: Conjuration
Traps: Pits
Items: Arrow, Spirit, Conjuration

Map 109
Tango Cross1 A random mouse (not the shaman) starts off with the cheese. All mice must chase her, and the first ten mice who touches her get the cheese.

Features: None
Traps: None

Map 114
Tango Tick1

Features: Lots of small movable rocks
Traps: None

Map 115
Tango Tick1
Map 116
Tango Tick1 Both the shaman and mice start at the left platform. The shaman must add weight to the bridge in order for the mice to get to the cheese, though the shaman must be careful not to break the bridge at the same time, by either being careful with what weight is added, or building under the bridge preparedly.

Features: Dynamic wooden bridge
Traps: Bridge may break with enough force

Map 117
Tango Tick1 The bombs will spawn at the top of the mountain and fall. You can try to get hit by a bomb and get the cheese via air jump or wait for the shaman.

Features: A mountain
Traps: Falling bombs

Map 118
Tango Tick1 The bombs will spawn all over the map just like it happens on Map 14. You can wait for the shaman or get hit just below a bomb and then be launched to get the cheese.

Features: None
Traps: Falling bombs

Map 119
Tango Tick1 Weight needs to be applied on the small platform to make it lower and rise the long wood ground. Shaman will need to place some planks over the cloud ground for mice to walk over it. Mice can also get the cheese and then wall jump back to the left hole.

Features: Weight-sensitive platform, long vertical plank
Traps: None

Map 120
Tango Tick1 the same as of Map 117. However, the ground is now plane.

Features: Ramp for a floor
Traps: Falling bombs

Map 121
Tango Tick1 Balance is important, after getting the cheese, run to the other side and then wall jump. You can also wait for shaman's help.

Features: Low plank
Traps: None

Map 122
Tango Cross1 Try to balance it enough, or let the shaman put a short red plank underneath it to anchor it. It is the original version of Map 1

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 123
Tango Cross1 Be patient on this one, everyone blindly rushing usually kills the entire group.

A quick rush may be successful on this map, since the plank is partially stabilized. It is the original version of Map 15.
Features: Slim plank
Traps: None

Map 124
Tango Cross1 It is the same as the Map 35, however, there is no shaman there. So, be even more careful.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 125
Tango Cross1 It is the same as the Map 37, however, there is no shaman there. So, be even more careful.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 126
Tango Cross1 This map is the same as map 78.

Features: Long plank
Traps: None

Map 127
Tango Tick1 The ground where the cheese is at is extremely unstable. Rushers will usually rush to the cheese and wall jump up, but the shaman will have to use what is left of the floor to build up to the hole for the people who can't wall jump.

Features: Dynamic woods
Traps: None

Map 128
Tango Tick1 This is the first map to feature water. It is safe to run to the cheese, but once you collect the cheese you have to wait for the shaman to build so you can get back to the hole. As the shaman, you can either build a bridge or just put a lot of boxes

Features: Water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 129
Tango Tick1 Water will make the shaman's buildings float up a bit, which makes this level difficult for Divine mode. For those in normal mode, they can heavily abuse the fact that red anchored planks will not float up.

Features: Water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 130
Tango Tick1 Since the cheese is above the water on this one, if the shaman does not want to build a bridge, they can just make a lot of boxes.

Features: Water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 131
Tango Tick1 A level featuring water, the cheese is underwater, encased in ice. If you have the Spring power, put it relatively low at the middle of the map under the gap. Only one spring is required. If you do not have spring, you need to build a ramp from the entrance of the water to the cheese.

Features: Water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 132
Tango Tick1 It is the same as Map 36, however the balls have been replaced with water. Assist the mice out the water using spirits or a small ramp. It is also possible to jam a plank into the bottom of the wall then cannonball the plank down, launching the mice that were on the water side of the plank upwards, out of the water.

Features: A pool of water, bottomless pit
Traps: None

Map 133
Tango Tick1 A level featuring water. The cheese is above a shallow pool of water. Simply build a ramp, or spirit, but be careful as mice may drown as they descend with cheese. It is also possible to clear simply by putting a lot of boxes in the water.

Features: Water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 134
Tango Tick1 A level with the mouse hole elevated and the cheese in the water.

Features: Cheese in shallow pool of water
Traps: Mice can drown in water

Map 136
Tango Tick1 Since this map has collision, the shaman needs to work as quickly as they can to plug up the fake floor below the cheese.

Features: Mice collision
Traps: Fake floor below cheese

Map 137
Tango Tick1

As a mouse, when the map is loading, hold right and hope you get pushed to the front of the pack at the top of the cheese tube. If you're the shaman, put balloons at the bottom right corner of the tube.
Features: Collision
Traps: None

Map 138
Tango Tick1

It is possible to beat this level without shaman assistance by running along the side of the middle wall, then when you are falling, with good timing, air jump to the lower wall to wall jump. Other than that, you can wait for shaman assistance.
Features: Shaman duel map
Traps: None

Map 139
Tango Tick1

Mice will have to wait for one of the two shamans to build to a hole
Features: Two shamans
Traps: None

Map 140
Tango Tick1

Features: Two shamans
Traps: None

Map 141
Tango Tick1

Features: Two shamans
Traps: None

Map 142
Tango Tick1

You can either wait for the shaman to build to the cheese, or you can try a corner jump to get the cheese without shaman assistance. If you are doing the corner jump method, you have to do it from the middle platform, or one of the two platforms that has a hole on it, or you won't have enough speed to clear the gap.
Features: Two shamans
Traps: None

Map 143
Tango Tick1

Features: Two shamans
Traps: None

Map @144
Tango Cross1 Features: Cheese thief
Map @145
Tango Tick1
Map @146
Tango Tick1
Map @147
Tango Tick1
Map @148
Tango Cross1
Map @149
Tango Cross1
Map @150
Tango Cross1
Map @151
Tango Cross1
Map 152
Tango Tick1
Map 153
Tango Tick1
Map 154
Tango Tick1
Map 155
Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
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Tango Tick1
Map 164
Tango Tick1
Map 165
Tango Tick1
Map 166
Tango Tick1
Map 167
Tango Tick1
Map 168
Tango Tick1
Map 170
Tango Cross1 Features: Cheese thief
Map 171
Tango Cross1 Features: Cheese thief
Map 172
Tango Cross1
Map 173
Tango Cross1
Map 174
Tango Cross1
Map 175
Tango Cross1
Map 176
Tango Tick1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 177
Tango Tick1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 178
Tango Cross1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 179
Tango Cross1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 180
Tango Cross1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 181
Tango Tick1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 182
Tango Tick1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 183
Tango Tick1 Features: Dodue cheese
Map 184
Tango Tick1
Map 185
Tango Tick1
Map 186
Tango Tick1
Map 187
Tango Tick1
Map 188
Tango Cross1
Map 189
Tango Cross1
Map 190
Tango Cross1
Map 191
Tango Tick1
Map 192
Tango Tick1
Map 200
Tango Cross1 This one is the first map which features transformation. Mice can transform into several shaman items, furthermore there is no shaman. To solve this map, two long planks needs to be put with their centers at the inner wooden corners. To stabilize the construction, anvils can be put onto the planks.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 201
Tango Cross1 As this map features transformation, there is no shaman on the map. Instead, each mouse can transform into a shaman item itself. This map consists of ground and a large block of ice in the middle of it. The mice need to stack two large boxes one over the other at each side of the ice block to make the remaining mice be able to walljump over the blockade.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 202
Tango Cross1 This map features transformation, so mice can turn into several shaman items and there is no shaman. On this map, the cheese is raised and can only be reached by stacking two large boxes one over the other directly under the cheese.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 203
Tango Cross1 Since this map features transformation, mice can turn into shaman items and there is no shaman. There are two grounds on the right and on the left of the map. In between them, there is a big gap, inside which there is a small piece of cloud ground. To solve this map, two mice should transform into long planks to cover the gap. The cloud has to be used as a support. Furthermore, anvils can be put on the ends of the planks to stabilize them.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 204
Tango Cross1 On this map, transformation is featured, so mice can transform into shaman items, furthermore there is no shaman. The simplest way to solve this map is to put a long plank over the center of each platform to extend them. Thus mice can easily jump from one platform to the other and finally bring the cheese into the hole.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 205
Tango Cross1 This map features transformation, so mice can turn into several shaman items and there is no shaman. On the left of the map, there is a platform with the hole where the mice spawn. The cheese is located at another platform on the right of the map. Between the two platforms are cloud platforms. To solve this map, some mice should turn into long planks and cover the gaps between the clouds, so that the normal mice can walk over them.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 206
Tango Cross1 This map features transformation, which means that mice can transform into several shaman items; there is no shaman. Once all the mice have reached the raised ground, one mouse needs to transform into a long plank with its left end being flush with the ground's left end. Now put an anvil onto the left of the plank to stabilize the construction and prevent mice from falling off.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 207
Tango Cross1 As this map features transformation, mice can transform into shaman items; there is no shaman. On this map, long planks and anvils should be used to reach the cheese. This is widely considered to be the hardest transformation map.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 208
Tango Cross1 This map features transformation, so mice can transform into several shaman items and there is no shaman. To solve the map, mice need to transform into long planks while they jump towards cloud grounds. This way the gap is covered. The rest of the map can be done without turning into an object.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 209
Tango Cross1 Although this map features transformation (no shaman, mice can transform into shaman items), it can be done completely without a single transformation. Everything that needs to be done is to bounce the trampoline ground, reach the raised platform and wall jump the ground in order to reach the cheese. The much more common, easier and faster way to solve this map is to put a large box next to the small pillar, thus mice only need to walljump until they reach the cheese.

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 210
Tango Cross1 As this map features transformation, mice can turn into shaman items; there is no shaman. A good but difficult way to solve this map is to build a stack of large boxes directly under the cheese. But watch out: The boxes might fall over or some mice won't be able to wall jump them!

Features: Transformation
Traps: None
Items: No shaman, items can be used by transforming into them

Map 211
Tango Tick1 Features: Conjuration
Map 212
Tango Tick1 Features: Conjuration
Map 213
Tango Tick1 Features: Conjuration
Map 214
Tango Cross1 Features: Cheese thief
Map 215
Tango Cross1 Features: Cheese thief
Map 216
Tango Tick1 Features: Collision and dodue cheese
Map 217
Tango Tick1
Map 218
Tango Cross1
Map 219
Tango Cross1
Map 220
Tango Cross1
Map 221
Tango Cross1
Map 222
Tango Cross1 Features: Negative gravity
Map 223
Tango Tick1 Features: Two shamans
Map 224
Tango Cross1
Map 225
Tango Cross1
Map 226
Tango Tick1
Map 227
Tango Tick1 Features: Two shamans
Map 228
Tango Tick1
Map 229
Tango Tick1
Map 230
Tango Tick1 Features: Low gravity
Map 231
Tango Cross1
Map 232
Tango Cross1
Map 233
Tango Cross1