Transformice Wiki

FunCorp is an official Transformice team that aims to increase the "fun" in rooms. The team was officially announced by Galaktine on 13 October 2015.[1]

FunCorp rooms, which can only be enabled by FunCorp team members, are one of the major mechanics FunCorp members have. FunCorp rooms are identified by an orange name in the rooms list, but sometimes FunCorp rooms are normal color, depending on whether or not the staff members in the room enabled the orange color. FunCorp rooms may also be activated by non-FunCorp members inside strm rooms. When FunCorp is disabled all changes will be disabled.

Stats still count and event maps still appear in official rooms (e.g. room 1, vanilla1, survivor1, racing1, defilante1) with FunCorp mode on. This is not the case in unofficial rooms (e.g. room DeathMaze, vanillachill).

You couldn't earn any stats in FunCorp rooms before, and event maps wouldn't play,[2] but now in official rooms you can earn stats, and event maps do play.


Abilities the FunCorp team members have:

  • Enable and disable FunCorp. (While it's disabled, FunCorp staff members cannot do anything other than enable FunCorp.)
  • Enable and disable the orange room name.
  • Change the colour of the mice and name. 
  • String together all of the mice in the room (like soulmates).
  • Change the username of mice. (It's not changed in a technical sense. It just changes the username you can see above the mice, on the scoreboard, and in the chat.)
  • Give/remove transformation abilities to all mice in the room
  • Change the size of the mice.
  • Run Lua
  • Kick people from unofficial rooms


  • Events (normal and Lua) were disabled in FunCorp rooms on 22 January 2016 (V1.281). Stats and event maps returned to official rooms (room name at the top right is yellow, e.g. vanilla1) on 10 February 2016 (V1.286b).



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