Transformice Wiki

Chat commands perform useful functions in the Transformice client such as changing titles or whispering to another player. To use a chat command, type a forward slash (/) into the chat window followed by the command name. Commands are not visible to other players, and they must be entered into the main chat window to function. Chat commands involving a username must include the username's tag.

List of chat commands[]

Free items[]

Megaphone Main article: Free items

These commands only work once on your account.

Command Effect
/atelier801 Gives you the cake slice head item Head item #95.
/facebook Gives you 20 shop cheese and opens the Transformice Facebook page.
/anvilgod 73 Gives you the 10th Anniversary badge Badge #269 when you do the following. While wearing the black moustache Mouth item #1, go to any village room. Stand on the red chair located in the treehouse with Elise and Papaille, and type "/anvilgod 73".
Note: The moustache must be the default color.

Interacting with others[]

These commands let you talk to other players, create/manage chats, ignore and report players, etc.

Command Effect
/f [code] Makes your mouse wave the flag of the country you are playing from, if no country code is specified. If a country code is specified, your mouse waves that country's flag. See here for a list of country codes.
/t [message] Sends a message to the tribe chat. Pressing T also allows you to use tribe chat.
/t*, /tc or /mt Opens the tribe chat in a new tab.
/c or /w [username] [message] Sends a whisper (private message) to the player.
/c* or /w* [username] [message] Sends a whisper (private message) to the player in a new tab.
/silence [reason] Disables/enables whispers from players who aren't your friend (reason is optional and shown to players trying to whisper you).
/silence* [reason] Disables/enables all whispers (reason is optional and shown to players trying to whisper you).
/chat [chatname] Creates/joins a chat room.
/who, /quem, /qui or quien Shows a list of players in your current chat room.
/friend, /ami, /amigo, /freund or /vriend [username] Adds the player to your friend list.
/ignore, /ignorieren or /negeer [username] Adds the player to your blacklist.
/trade or /echange [username] Sends a trade request to the player (must be in the same room). It doesn't work between players with the same IP address (e.g. alt accounts).
/ban [username] Removes the player from the room for 1 hour if 8 players in the room vote to ban them. A message is sent in the chat when the player is votebanned: "[•] Username#0000 o/".
/report [username] Opens the window to report the player. A comment can be left for the moderator, who reviews the report after 2 players report. If the player you reported gets banned, you get karma.
/avatar Changes your avatar.
/profile, /perfil, /profiel or /profil [username] Opens the player's profile or opens yours if no username is specified.
/calendar [username] Opens the player's adventure calendar (they need to be online) or opens yours if no username is specified.
/title, /titel, /titre or /titulo [number] Lists all the titles you have earned. Include a title's ID number to switch to that title.
/watch [username] Turns all mice semi-transparent (including NPCs) except the player, who is tinted pink. Multiple mice can be selected. Pets are also hidden. It can be turned off by typing /watch by itself. This is commonly used in racing and bootcamp rooms.
/mort Kills your mouse.
/mod Shows which moderators are online.
/mapcrew Shows which Map Crew are online.


Command Effect
/room, /kamer, /sala, /salon or /zimmer [roomname] Sends you to the specified room or creates a new room with that name.
  • Having a "*" before a room name signifies an international room (players from all language servers can access the room). It appears in the room list unless a password is set using "/pw".
  • Having a "@" before a room name signifies an international room that doesn't appear in the room list, friend list or tribe list. It is private.
  • Having a "#" before a room name signifies a module room.

Sends you to a normal room if no room name is specified.

/pw [password] Sets a password for the room you have created (e.g. /pw cheese). Typing /pw again removes the password. It doesn't work for official rooms (e.g. vanilla1).
/mulodrome Starts a racing game with 2 teams. It only works in a mulodrome room.
/vanilla Sends you to a vanilla room.
/survivor Sends you to a survivor room.
/racing Sends you to a racing room.
/bootcamp Sends you to a bootcamp room.
/defilante Sends you to a defilante room.
/editor or /editeur Sends you to the Map Editor.
/totem Sends you to the totem editor (unlocked after saving 1,000 mice).
/tutorial Sends you to the tutorial.

Tribe house[]

All these commands work for tribe members with a rank that can load a map, except "/music" which requires a rank that can play music.

Command Effect
/inv [username] Sends the player an invitation to join to your tribe house. Invitations are disabled when the tribe house is empty. The player can't be a member of the tribe.
/invkick [username] Cancels the player's invitation to join to your tribe house. If they're in the tribe house, it kicks them out. The player can't be a member of the tribe.
/np [code] Changes the map to the specified map (e.g. /np @611234) or to the tribe house map if no map is specified.
/npp [code] Changes the map to the specified map, but waits for current round to end. Using it without a code cancels the /npp.
/ch [username] Makes the player the next shaman.
/sy [username] Makes the player the sync. Typing the command with an invalid username lets the game set the sync player.
/sy? Shows who the current sync is.
/module [modulename] Starts the specified module (minigame) (e.g. /module fight or /module #fight). To end the module, type "/module stop".
/lua Opens the window to run your Lua script. The script only runs if you're in your tribe house, your tribe rank can load a map, and you have over 100 cheese.
/music or /musique [YouTube video URL/MP3 link] Plays the YouTube video/MP3. YouTube videos only play if there's a TV in the tribe house. The link with ".mp3" at the end of it only plays for players who haven't disabled the music Music button option. Type "/music" to mute/unmute.
/neige Makes it snow for 1 minute. You must have particle effects enabled to see the snow.


The following commands work in your strm room (room *strm_username#tag). Using the control panel avoids having to use the commands.

Command Effect
/np [code] Changes the map to the specified map or the next map if no map is specified.
Control panel: Play a new map
/npp [code] Changes the map to the specified map, but waits for current round to end.
Control panel: Submit
/ch [username] Makes the player the next shaman.
Control panel: Manage room players → Options icon → Make this player the next shaman
/ban [username] Removes the player from the room.
Control panel: Manage room players → Options icon → Kick out
FunCorp mode[]

Using "*" instead of usernames applies the effect to everyone in the strm room.

Command Effect
/funcorp Enables/disables FunCorp mode.
/funcorp help Shows all the commands available in FunCorp mode.
/changesize [usernames/"*"] [size/"off"] Changes the size (between 0.1x and 5x) of the players.
/colormouse [usernames/"*"] [color/"off"] Changes the color of the players' mice.
/colornick [usernames/"*"] [color/"off"] Changes the color of the players' usernames.
/linkmice [usernames] ["off"] Links the players as soulmates.
/meep [usernames/"*"] ["off"] Gives the players the ability to meep.
/transformation [usernames/"*"] ["off"] Gives the players the ability to transform.


The following commands either can't be categorized above or aren't designed for ordinary players.

Command Effect
/ips Shows in the upper left corner of the game screen, the frame rate per second (fps) and current data in MB/s download. e.g. 60/54 (current fps/average fps), 134 mo (memory allocation), 0.274 m (amount of data that your client fetched from the Transformice servers, measured in megabytes).
/cips Shows a graph with the current frame rate per second. The chart can be dragged anywhere on the screen.
/resettotem Resets the current totem. You must be in the totem editor for it to work.
/sauvertotem Saves the current totem. You must be in the totem editor for it to work.
/bg Fixes the black square bug that affects some AMD processors.
/cafe or /cafee Spawns 10 café icons that bounce at the bottom of the game screen. Clicking them usually removes them but sometimes it can spawn 10 more icons (doesn't spawn if you click them when they are in the chat part of the screen). Relogging is the easiest way to remove them. This is mostly used for trolling other players.
/cl Opens the Hall of Cheese.
/clavier Changes between English and French keyboards.
/clear Hides the chat. The chat reappears when there is a new message; use "/fontsize 999" instead.
/code Opens the window for typing a single-use code that gives a reward. A code can be obtained from contests or attending a convention staff are at (e.g. Japan Expo code).
/debug Shows the collision boxes and physics of the game.
/dressing Opens the dressing window, where you can try out mouse shop items and customizations, even if you don't own them, and save the outfit as a PNG image file.
/erreur_image Displays image loading errors.
[code] Unknown developer command that displays a message in the chat (e.g. /é _I or /é Fx or /é x_proxySteam).
/font [font] Changes the font of the chat. font is a font you have on your device. Typing "/font" without a font specified resets the font to the default (Verdana).
/fontsize [number] Changes the font size (default is 12).
/fullscreen Enables/disables fullscreen.
/info [code] Shows information about the current map or the map specified. It shows the author, map code, number of votes, percentage of yes votes, and map category.
/infoshop Shows the category and ID of each shop item in the top left corner (e.g. "0, 3"; the first number is category (0 is head items)).
/langue [code] Changes the language shown by the game (doesn't affect messages already on-screen). See here for a list of language codes.
/lsmap Lists all the maps you have created.
/luahelp Shows the Lua tree.
/module Lists the number of players playing each official module.
/music or /musique Mutes/unmutes the music submitted by other players.
/musique_jeu Mutes/unmutes the game music.
/nosouris Disables the tutorial arrow Red arrow, white color Color #3 if on a guest account, and shows in the chat "Espèce de vieille souris." (You old mouse).
/nue Disables/enables other mice's outfits and shaman markings from the next round. This doesn't override the game disabling them when there are 50+ mice in the room or in bootcamp rooms.
/ping Shows your ping.
/salonauto [roomname] Sends you to a room with the specified word followed by a number.
/shooting Disables/enables the chat bubbles above mice. This is useful for video creators.
/time or /temps Shows the accumulated play time for your account.
/version Shows the version number.
/x_aj Opens the other games window.
/x_eneko Sends you to room "Training Username".
/x_imj Opens the old game mode list.
/x_inv Opens your inventory.
/^^ Shows technical information about the device you are playing the game on.

Removed commands[]

Command Effect
/dance or /danse Made your mouse dance.
/laugh or /rire Made your mouse laugh.
/cry or /pleurer Made your mouse cry.
/kiss or /bisou Made your mouse kiss.
/hynixy Showed "almost", "no", "nop" or "try again" in the chat during the 4th Anniversary enigma.
/pwet Made you a guest while connected to your account during the 4th Anniversary enigma.
/rt [username] Recruited the player to your tribe.
/tk [username] Kicked the player from your tribe.
/changepass Opened the Change Password window.
/election Opened the election window.
/filter or /filtre Disabled/enabled the chat filter for bad words.
/find or /chercher [username] Showed which room the player was in.
/fps60 Switched between 36 fps and 60 fps.
/fs Enabled/disabled fullscreen.
/mjj [number] Sent you to a room in the specified game mode. 1 = normal, 2 = bootcamp, 3 = vanilla, 8 = survivor, 9 = racing, 10 = defilante, 11 = music, 13 = shaman, 16 = village, 18 = module, 20 = madchess, 21 = surble, 22 = celousco, 30 = normal, 31 = ranked, 33 = duel, 34 = arena, 40 = normal, 42 = domination, 50 = normal, 60 = normal, 70 = karmaloop, 80 = normal, 90 = normal.
  • /mjj m [modulename] = sent to a room of the specified module.
  • /mjj w [roomname] = similar to /salonauto (adds 1 to the room name).
/modeexpo Removed the left side bar of the old standalone.
/modemusique Sent you to a music room.
/mute [username] Ignored the player's messages.
/parrain Opened the referral window.
/ranking or /classement Opened the ranking of top 10 players by saves, cheese, and firsts.
/roomevent Showed a message in the chat in strm rooms, but had no effect.
/ruasonid [code] Gave you a badge Badge #366 during the Dino 2022 enigma.
/scroll Locked the computer mouse/touchpad scroll wheel.
/skip Ended the video early, if enough players skipped in a music room.
/test-migration Opened the window that allowed migration of Kongregate / Armor Games / Facebook / Google accounts to Atelier 801 accounts.
/tribunal Entered the Tribunal. You watched other players who had been reported for hack and voted on whether they were guilty or not.


  • /mulodrome and /pw both used to require the room name to start with your username for them to work before 3 November 2015 (V1.270b).
  • /version used to show the update descriptions for the current version in French, but it wasn't updated for months and the descriptions were removed on 26 February 2016 (V1.291).
  • /s and Space returns you to the room chat tab if you're in another tab.