Transformice Wiki

Clean Mouse is a skill in the Wind Master skill tree. For each skill point allocated in this skill, a bubble will spawn at the place of a mouse's death. The bubble will appear to go from the bottom of the map and progressively float toward the top of the map. The bubble's behavior is identical to the balloon's; it travels at the same speed and pops when more than two mice stand on top of it.

Bubbles encourage rushing as mice can push the bubble to reach the cheese without the shaman. Bubbles can also be disruptive to builds as they push the shaman's build upwards

Bubbles appear quite often in the Transformice: The Cartoon Series.

Crane BugOften the bubble will spawn in a different place than where the mouse died.


  • The bubble looks like the death bubble particle effect.
  • The death of AFK mice does not trigger this skill.
  • On 12 May 2017 (V1.381), the following bug was fixed: on maps bigger than usual, mice bubbles and electric arcs (from the Clean Mouse and Controlled Disintegration skills) could not appear in the right place.

